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本文针对中等医学教育的特点,对课堂教学语言艺术的概念、意义、要求和特征以及它对教学信息传递所起的作用、效果作了论述,说明教师要创造教学语言艺术,用之于优化教学目标。  相似文献   
余楠  方紫璇  孟娟  刘莉  闵敏  李伟  龚询  冯玲  马丁  张媛媛 《安徽医药》2021,25(6):1267-1269
妇产科学是属于临床医学中的一门涉及面较广和整体性较强的学科,在以往的教学实践中,对于妇产科学临床教学部分,均采用传统的授课式教学法,即以教师为主导地位的"填鸭式"教学方法.基于慕课理念的翻转课堂教学模式是一种通过资源丰富、形式多样的慕课网络资源在课前完成知识的传递,通过以学生为主体的翻转课堂在课堂上完成知识内化的全新教学模式."慕课+翻转课堂"教学模式引入妇产科学教学中,可以改变学生传统被动接受模式,鼓励其主动参与妇产科学教学中来,有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,更好的培养学生的临床操作和综合思维能力,并改革了教学评价体系,利于教学相长,提升教师专业素养.  相似文献   
老年医学临床教学比较难引起学生的兴趣。翻转课堂教学法因通过其交互作用能很好的加强学生的参与感,提高学习兴趣。我们利用微信作为翻转课堂的平台,设计了多种模式的微课。通过更多的交换教学,答疑和讨论发言,增加了学生的参与感,提高学生的学习兴趣,并通过强化练习,提高学习效率。初步实践表明,这一教学方法可以为学生提供一个永不下课的教学平台,提高了教学效果,还可实现教学资源的广域网共享,为远期跨医院、跨学校的交流推广提供可能。  相似文献   
【摘要】目的 探讨”虚拟实验室(virtual laboratory,VL) 翻转课堂”在“病毒感染的检查方法”教学中的应用与效果。方法 抽取2014级临床医学专业本科学生80人,实验组(40人)和对照组(40人)。对照组采用观看视频、讲授进行传统课堂教学。实验组依托医学微生物学网络虚拟实验平台,构建课堂小组活动进行翻转课堂教学。对两组学生进行统一考试;对实验组进行教学满意度问卷调查。采用SPSS18.0对数据进行处理,进行独立样本t检验。 结果 实验组综合考核成绩高于对照组[(82.73±2.62)vs.(57.94±4.65)],差异有统计学意义(t=29.380,p=0.000)。实验组学生对翻转课堂学习方式和效果的满意度达85%以上。 结论 基于网络虚拟实验平台的翻转课堂教学,有助于提高“病毒感染的检查方法”教学质量,提高学生学习积极性和思辨能力。  相似文献   
以BB网络平台为载体,为学生提供一个自由、开发的学习环境,将任务驱动式教学法和“翻转课堂”教学理念相结合,对中医药院校的程序设计类课程的教学方法、教学流程、教学模式等进行改革,培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,以及自主学习和终生学习的技能。经过课程组两轮的实验,教学效果良好,对其他课程的教学模式和教学结构的研究和改革具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
目的 揭示大学生课堂手机依赖症(CMPDS)现状及影响因素,为指导大学生合理、健康地使用手机,避免CMPDS的发生提供科学依据。方法 采用分层整群抽取兰州市某综合大学不同专业、不同年级的大学生为研究对象,以班级为单位,由调查员发放问卷,在知情同意基础上进行匿名调查。结果 大学生CMPDS发生率为8.7%,其中轻度是6.6%,重度是2.1%;大学生CMPDS无性别、年级、专业、生源差异。课堂上购物(OR=3.720)、课程无聊(OR=1.740)、WiFi覆盖(OR=1.787)、课堂使用时间(OR=1.514)、日常使用时间(OR=1.513)是大学生CMPDS的危险性因素;拍课件(OR=0.579)是保护性因素。结论 大学生CMPDS发生率偏高,学校、教师、学生自身三方面要形成合力,使大学生克服课堂手机依赖,保障身心健康。  相似文献   
Information about heavy metal burden of children in Nigeria related to playground soils and classroom dusts is lacking. Playground soil, classroom dust, blood and spot urine samples (n = 253) were collected from 6 urban and 2 semi-rural public schools in Ibadan North-West, Nigeria. Samples were analysed for Pb, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn. Mean blood Pb levels in urban area (male, 41.66 ± 8.78 μg/dl vs. female, 40.64 ± 5.46 μg/dl) were twice as high as those in semi-rural area (male, 19.71 ± 3.73 μg/dl vs. female, 20.65 ± 2.26 μg/dl). Concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn, and Fe in soil and dust samples in the urban schools were between 2- to 4-fold greater than that of semi-rural schools. No correlation was observed between blood and dust metals. A positive correlation (r = 0.168, p = 0.008) was observed between blood Pb and playground soil Pb. Pb burden in the children might be from their schools’ playgrounds and other yet unidentified sources.  相似文献   
本文依据三种现代教育理论思想的有益启示,围绕医学高等专科学校课堂教学质量的提升问题,提出以加强教育理论思想研修为突破口,进而采取更新教育观念、狠抓移植应用和改进教法学法来有效提高医学高等专科学校课堂教学质量的新思路。  相似文献   
Learner participation and engagement has proven effective and essential across educational settings. Clickers, also known as classroom response systems (CRS), are widely used across disciplines, and their effectiveness has been demonstrated in higher education. However, few studies have been conducted on clicker use in nursing education. The purpose of this article is to examine the literature on how clickers can best be used to promote learner engagement among undergraduate nursing students and to better classroom education. This literature review addresses three key characteristics of clicker use in nursing, medical, pharmacy, and paramedic education found in fifteen empirical studies: interactivity and participation; satisfaction and learning outcomes; and formative assessment and contingent teaching. Nurse educators must take advantage of the latest technology such as clickers to provide more effective and efficient education.  相似文献   
Interventions that teach social communication and play skills are crucial for the development of children with autism. The time delay procedure is effective in teaching language acquisition, social use of language, discrete behaviors, and chained activities to individuals with autism and developmental delays. In this study, three boys with autism, attending a non-public school, were taught play activities that combined a play sequence with requesting peer assistance, using a graduated time delay procedure. A multiple-baseline across subjects design demonstrated the success of this procedure to teach multiple-step social play sequences. Results indicated an additional gain of an increase in pretend play by one of the participants. Two also demonstrated a generalization of the skills learned through the time delay procedure.  相似文献   
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